AIG Direct News Wire

Newsletters, Commentary and Archival Information About Life Insurance, the Application Process and the Industry

Stay up to date on the latest news and developments in the life insurance industry, with insightful articles about what's happening in the headlines now.

How Does BMI Affect Life Insurance Rates

February 2015 Newsletter - One of the factors that determine life insurance rates is weight, specifically the height to weight ratio or BMI (Body Mass Index).

Easy tips to reduce sugar intake

February 2015 Newsletter - One of the significant causes of weight gain is a high-sugar diet. A recent study confirms that most American adults are still consuming more added sugar than is recommended for a healthy diet.

Shopping Online for Life Insurance

January 2015 Newsletter - Shopping online for life insurance is a great convenience. But with dozens of companies claiming the best rates and coverage, how do you cut through the hype? Here’s what to look for...and to look out for.

Twitter Conversation with AIG Direct

January 2015 Newsletter - Read the Q&A from our live Twitter conversation with Vice President of Sales Kevin Wilshusen

Life Insurance as Part of Your Financial Plan

Most people associate term life insurance with its primary purpose: to protect loved ones in the event of an unexpected death. Discover how it can play an important role in a solid financial plan

Buying Life Insurance Later in Life

Read why retirement, kids leaving the home and other later in life events may be a good time to evaluate your life insurance needs.